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MH Tsai

Agile Development Introduction

Agile Development Introduction

This blog will cover the following topics:

  1. Summarize and recap the experience of leading the agile development in the previous company

  2. Why do so many people like to make fun of agile development?

  3. Let people use/adopt agile development more properly

  4. Why do we need agile development?

Agile development is a software development capability that responds to rapidly changing requirements. There is a corresponding manifesto for this development concept
Based on the concept and these concepts, the two main frameworks of Scrum and Kanban have been developed (various deformations will occur in each organization later)

Heard a lot of teams who use Agile poorly. Most of the people responsible for leading "agile development" use it as a shield to squeeze the engineering team's schedule

⁠“Agile Development” is Agile Development, not Fast Development

Specifically speaking, this development concept is not directly related to the time of the Release function. Agile means flexibility to adjust the development process and market response

⁠It does not mean that a development cycle is crammed with a bunch of features that exceed development energy

Next, I would like to introduce Scrum as a framework. Scrum is mainly composed of 3 roles, 3 outputs, and 5 meetings in this framework


  1. Scrum Master (How to deliver)
  2. Project owner (What to deliver)
  3. Tech Lead (How to implement)


  1. User Story
  2. Tasks
  3. Story points


  1. Sprint Grooming
  2. Sprint Planning
  3. Sprint Kickoff
  4. Sprint Start
  5. Sprint Demo and Retro

Scrum is to ensure that the team maintains an effective operation mechanism through the interaction of these roles and the use of different elements. The initial introduction is here first.

Many people or teams who are criticizing these development frameworks can try to unplug the framework without using any development process, and will naturally develop a similar model. By defining these work frameworks (Scrum, Kanban), you can let Each team not have to rediscover how the organization can function effectively

The framework allows everyone to work on the same basis. If you find the framework unsuitable due to specific factors (team size, drastic changes in market demand), you should adjust it. It may be fewer meetings and documents with different levels of rigor

Only maintaining the flexibility of adjustment is the real spirit of Agile

2025 ❤️ MH (Frank) Tsai